
#62-287-780nmTunableFaradayIsolator.產品已停產.下載產品資料.請參閱以下類似產品,或與我們聯絡取得進一步協助,以決定替代產品。,由RPaschotta著作·被引用2次—FaradayisolatorsareopticalisolatorsbasedontheFaradayeffect.Theycanprotectlasersagainstback-reflectedlight,forexample.,Faradayopticalisolatorsworkasauni-directionallightvalvetoprotectalasersourcefromdestabilizingfeedbackordamagefrom ...,4600nm)l...

780nm Tunable Faraday Isolator

#62-287 - 780nm Tunable Faraday Isolator. 產品已停產. 下載產品資料. 請參閱以下類似產品,或與我們聯絡取得進一步協助,以決定替代產品。

Faraday Isolators

由 R Paschotta 著作 · 被引用 2 次 — Faraday isolators are optical isolators based on the Faraday effect. They can protect lasers against back-reflected light, for example.

Faraday Optical Isolator

Faraday optical isolators work as a uni-directional light valve to protect a laser source from destabilizing feedback or damage from ...

MESOS Faraday Isolators

4600 nm) laser market. Our MESOS rotators and isolators deliver industry-best reliability while providing superior isolation and maintaining very high ...

Optical isolator

The operation of conventional optical isolators relies on the Faraday effect (which in turn is produced by magneto-optic effect), which is used in the main ...

Optical Isolators

Thorlabs manufactures a wide selection of narrowband and broadband free-space optical isolators (Faraday isolators) that operate in spectral ranges from 365 nm ...

PAVOS Faraday Isolators

產品說明: The PAVOS line has been specifically designed to meet the needs of high power and high energy 1 µm (1045 nm to 1080 nm) lasers. Our PAVOS rotators and ...

Standard Faraday Isolators

... Faraday Isolator. STF-05-S1. 140 to 220 GHz, 20 dB Isolation, 5.0 dB Insertion Loss, WR-05 Waveguide, G-Band Faraday Isolator. STF-06-S1. 110 to 170 GHz, 30 dB ...


光學隔離器,又稱光學二極體,是一種可限制光線向特定方向行進的光學儀器。它通常被用來防止多餘的反饋光線進入光學振盪器中,例如雷射腔。其運作原理乃為法拉第效應( ...